Friday, 25 March 2016

Refugees Welcome? Asylum Visa Applicants in a Soup

Asylum applicants append to the UK inhabitant population in at least 3 ways:

1. Temporary population –These are applicants whose appeal has been unsuccessful and are in UK till the decision is pending.

2. Legit permanent population – these are the miniscule applicants granted the permission to stay in UK.

3. Unlawful refuges – this population comprises the ones staying illegally in the country due to rejected applications.

The difference between legit permanent population and the other two types is an expert, specialist asylum lawyer in UK.

Asylum seekers are applicants who have come to UK without any visa and apply for government protection as refugees under asylum visa.  Refugees are essentially individuals who have fled from their own country and are unable to go back because of fear of persecution.

Legal framework and political view

The refugee council reports the number of asylum applications to the UK at 24,914 in 2014 and at a flat line for few years now.

Asylum applications are usually put on a fast track system and the decision is given in about 6 months. This fast paced system has not found favour by the judicial machinery, which proposes a time taking detailed review.
With the worst refugee crisis since World War II, Downing Street has refused to approve of and participate in the quota system proposed by Berlin according to this quota system, refugees are to be equally and fairly distributed among all 28 EU states. The home secretary, Theresa May, has committed a “tough new approach” to immigration.

The fast track process, political pressure and the complex legal framework, with the refuges critical situation has highlighted the importance of a specialised asylum lawyers in UK

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Applying British Nationality: Get Your Good Character Certificate

As per the Part I, Chapter 18 of the British Nationality Act 1981, every person is entitled to naturalisation as British citizen only if at the time of the consideration meets specific requirements, the most important being a good character certificate. Just in case someone fails to provide the same, it is the Secretary of State who should be satisfied that the applicant is of good character in all possible aspects.

The Annex D of Chapter 18 of BNA contains a detailed guidance with information on how to assess the character of the applicant. However, the guidance keeps experiencing amendments by the Home Office which apply to all the decisions. The guidance includes various prospects some of which are disqualifying behaviours; suspected or convicted of a criminal activity or involvement in or associated with war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and terrorism. It also includes factors which reflect the lack of financial soundness, notoriety, deception or dishonesty.

A clutter of all these factors remain the driving force of the new guidance. Moreover, the guidance has now added to the list of behaviours that indicate that a person is not off a good character; illegal entry, evasion immigration control and assisting illegal migration.

UK Visa Fees – Scheduled for a Hike

The British government has reported a decision to hike up the visa fee from 18 March 2016 across many categories.

Impact on Students

It can have a huge impact on the international student business apart from other visa seekers in the British economy. There is an estimated contribution of £2.4bn to the UK economy by the international students studying in this country.   Britain has great business schools, with 15 of these ranked by the FT global MBA rankings to be in top 100 business schools of the world. UK business schools coach up to 15% of all university students.  The increased visa fee will have an acute effect on the MBA post graduate programs with 52% international students.

Impact on Workforce

Every year a large number of skilled workers are granted visa to strengthen the workforce in UK. The recent changes in the UK visa fee directly imply a 2% hike including the short term visas.
The student graduates and the immigrant skilled work force, looking for settlement are up for a 25% increase in fee for settlement visa appeals and also nationality applications. These applications also called the "Indefinite Leave to Remain" (ILR) application within the UK will see a fee hike from 1,500 pounds to 1,875 pounds. The next step post ILR clearance is at 1,236 pounds for naturalization as British citizens.

Apart from the impact on visas concurrent with economic growth, like skilled workers and students, the 2% increase is also set for tourists visas.

Other visa fee increases include the optional premium services which are offered by the Home Office. These will see a hike of up to 33% in the priority visa services and the super premium visa services overseas.

Effect on family visas is at an increased fee of £2, 676 for “Adult Dependent Relatives” and family and spouse visas at £1,195. Also a £25 fee has been introduced for processing of invalid applications.

With the complex visa legal framework, frequent changes and the recent alterations in fee system it is important to engage expert immigrant and visa law firm for your visa application.