Thursday, 1 October 2015

The Role of New Immigration Bill in Creating a Hostile Environment

Same Day UK Visa Services - Fusco Browne

In the starting of the month of September, the government of UK published the updated Immigration Bill 2015 which brought forward strict measures aimed at creating a hostile environment for the unwanted migration in the kingdom. The foremost aim of this new bill is to radically reform the culture for migrants in the UK and restrict the entry of illegal migrants in the country. This even tries to encourage the residing migrants to depart to their native countries. The Bill also introduces new restrictions on access to privately rented accommodation, driving licenses and bank accounts.

The new Bill has made it impossible and a criminal offence to work without leave, moreover this particular offence will carry a maximum prison sentence of 51 weeks. There are also many new powers introduced to impound earnings from ‘illegal work’ as proceeds of crime. The Bill further gives the government enough power to shut an employer’s premises if an immigration officer is not satisfied on working style of the employer.

Currently, the bill stands for a second reading on 13th October 2015 and there is were limited scope for any major change. This makes it important for the general public to understand the true impact of all these changes and the need to fight against them.

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